Whats 10 feet tall, has a shock of red hair and shoots cats out of it’s eyeballs? We don’t know!! But we expect we’ll find out during Dublin GameCraft, but only if you come and make it!
Here’s how it works:
- Register here
- You have twelve hours to make a game. Starting at 9am
- The theme will be advertised during breakfast (more details on this soon)
- Work on your own or with a team. You can form a team on the day if you like, but remember you only have 12 hours!
- Use whatever platform or framework you like
- Judges review and vote on the games
- Profit Prizes(will update soon).
Where: Engine Yard, The Warehouse, 2nd Floor, 35 Barrow Street, Dublin 2, Ireland
When: Saturday 17th November 2012 – 9am
Thanks to Engine Yard and Eamon Leonard for the venue for this event.