
Belfast GameCraft results

It was another amazing GameCraft, it was great to travel to such an amzing location for this event :D . Thanks to for organizing everything and we really missed you Matt!! Thanks to for judging and beeing a great friend! :D To Farset Labs for being amazing hosts and to all the people who are involved in one way or another with this amazing event.
What you all want to know :)

Who won??

  • 1st Prize- Team Free Roast Beef, with their game: Bloomers
    Play Bloomers

  • 2nd Prize, Most Original Game prize and People’s Choice Award – Team For Loopers, with their game Gravity Bloom
  • 3rd Prize- Team: A Team (will be confirmed soon) with their game Sting Ray (name will also be confirmed soon :) )
  • 4th Prize- Team Pulse College

More pics here
Thanks and we ll see you at the next one. (Keep an eye on your inbox)


[ANN] Dublin – Belfast Transportation

This is announcement to those who are travelling to Belfast for GameCraft this evening. As you are aware, the arrangement for the hired coach up has fallen through. It’s too late to hire another one that’s available so last minute and affordable.

So here is a list of cross-border buses that are the cheaper alternative.

Andrea has offered to pick up people when they get to Belfast, if others who are driving, if you can help out, that would be great.

Apologies to those who booked a place for the bus us, please pass the word on to others as we don’t have the list of the people who registered.

/// Vicky & Andrea

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Dublin-Belfast Bus

Hey GameCrafters!
The 23rd is getting closer! The big deal for people coming from Dublin is transport. has done all the hard work trying to organise a bus to take us directly to the venue from Dublin and back again. All on the same day.

The cost per person depends on the numbers using the bus. We’ll need at least 14 people for it to make sense, but the more we get, the cheaper it’ll be.

If we get enough people, we’ll be GameCrafting in Belfast for the day, without the hassle of public transport! Nice.

Please register here if you are interested

PS Thanks to Shane for the hard work!